Shared by Marta Méndez:
1. Topic: Esovision
We’re going to hold a Eurovision contest at school.
2 Contents.
We’re going to learn about the culture, tradition and geography of some different European countries.
3. Driving questions
Where is this country located?
Explain briefly 2 of its most important traditions.
Can you explain something about the most important cities?
Explain briefly about the singer and the song you’ve chosen.
4. Some cooperative techniques.
They will work in pairs.
The teacher will give the student the name of a country in Europe.
They have to chose a song that this country has sung in the Eurovision song contest. The song must be sung in English.
They have to make a brief introduction using the driving questions to write a this introduction before playing the song in you tube during one of our lessons.
Then, when all the students have shown their songs, they will give votes to the different songs, as in the real contest.
At the end there will be a winner country.
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