Por Ana Díez:
1. Topic:
Study of the air pollution near the school.
2. Contents:
We are going to study the quality of the air checking the amount and types of lichens near the school. (Lichens act as pollution indicatosr, given that they can just live if the air is not polluted).
- Concept of lichen.
- Types of lichens.
- Lichens as pollution indicators.
- Structure of a science work (objective, methodology, materials, results, conclusion...).
3. Driving question:
Is the air near the school polluted?
4. Cooperative techniques:
- After the explanation of what a lichen is, I will give them the name of the different types of lichens, and they will have to search for information in the Internet about them in groups. Each group will have to explain the characteristics of one type of lichen (every group needs all the information).
- BraiNstorming about why the lichens can act as pollution indicators. They speak about it in pairs, and after that, in groups of four people. Finally, one person of each group will explain the conclusion to the rest of the class. We will write the main ideas in the blackboard.
- Once they know the concept, types and importance of the lichens, they are going to walk around the school looking for them. Each group will check one part of the playground. We will share all the information found in the class.
- With this information, we have to write a science work. Each group will write one part (objective, methodology, materials...), so, again, they need to share information between them.
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