How could ecotourism be an economic opportunity for rural areas in Castilla y Leon? 3rd ESO


Shared by Mª Isabel Gejo:

1. Topic: Tourism (3er ESO). 2. Contents: i)What is meant by tourism & tourist? ii)The growth of tourism and leisure. Reasons why tourism numbers have increased so rapidly in the last 50 years. iii)Types of tourism. iv) Tourism: benefits and problems. v) Mass tourism. Case study: The Mediterranean Coast. vi) Ecoturism. Case study: National Parks in Spain (MEDCs) and The Galapagos islands (LEDCs). 3. Driving question: How could ecotourism be an economic opportunity for rural areas in Castilla y Leon? 4. Cooperative techniques: *See Think Wonder: See Think Wonder routine before starting to teach the unit to make thoughtful interpretation, to stimulate curiosity, to intruduce the new specific words (CALP: tourism, tourist, mass tourism, ecotourism, honeypot, trends & patterns in tourism, National Parks, Game Parks, second homes, beach villages, costal resort & mountain resort). Teacher uses this routine through these images (Genially Presentation): "Protests against mass tourism in Barcelona"; "Ecotax in the city of Bath"; "Malaga: a case of cultural tourism"; "Bed & breakfast cottage"; "Safari in Africa"; "To cruise the Mediterranean"; "The route of romanesque churches in Palencia"; "The route of wine in Valladolid"; "Jobs linked to tourism", etc. Students talk to each other to complete the See Think Wonder Template and later, to explain their answers. *Think Pair Share: T: (think) teachers start by asking specific question such as: Why tourism is the world´s fastest-growing industry?, Is the growth of tourism partly the result of globalization?, Do you know the recent trends in tourism?, Could tourism be seen by several LEDCs as the sole way of improving their standard of living yet at the same time creating problems?, etc. P: (pair) Each student should be paired with just another student (Covid protocol) S: (share) Learners share their thinking with their classmates. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion. *Communication, Collaboration and Thinking: Students watch this government TV commercial to boost tourism: "I need Spain" (3' 06"):

Learners work in pairs: they describe the video, analyse the message (efficient or inefficient) and share their opinion into a whole-class discussion.

5. Product:

Finally, they must design a different TV or radio commercial.
